Warrant Canary


The Socialist Rifle Association asserts the following:

1. The date of issue of this canary is Mar 4, 2025 0118 UTC.

2. There have been (26) warrant canaries published so far.

3. No warrants have ever been served to us with regard to the Socialist Rifle Association. We
   have not been served any secret court orders and are not under any gag orders. (e.g. to hand
   out member data or in some other way permit surveillance on our membership).

4. We plan to publish the next of these canary statements in the first week of June 2025.
   Special note should be taken if no new canary is published by that time or if this list of
   statements changes without plausible explanation.

5. The sha256 sum of the previous canary is 17883016f8f01f1dfbfe9d1a9f837088f692d6f4a256158bcbfa4efad4457bfe

DOW: 42520.99     Nasdaq: 18285.163     S&P: 5778.15

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